Hardware Concepts

Our mission at Hardware Concepts is providing high-quality door hardware to designers, builders, and homeowners. 


542 Lighthouse Ave. Ste 111, Pacific Grove, CA 93950


Getting a grip on architecture: It’s in your hands.

Prod­ucts by FSB are to be found wher­ever ar­chi­tec­ture meets “handle culture” – in short, at the cusp between people and ar­chi­tec­ture. They var­i­ously include our classic heavy-duty hard­ware for doors and windows plus mortice locks, door closers and hinges in match­ing styles and ma­te­ri­als and our (grip­pingly) con­ve­nience-fo­cused Er­goSys­tem®, a uni­ver­sal bar­rier-free concept that has es­tab­lished itself in the mar­ket­place amongst all age groups.

A ca­pac­ity for tech­no­log­i­cal in­no­va­tion, for re­flect­ing crit­i­cally upon what we do, and also for de­liv­er­ing at the cul­tural level is part and parcel of the way we see our­selves. Thus it comes as no great sur­prise that prod­ucts and all-in so­lu­tions “made in Brakel” are to be en­coun­tered in build­ings by noted ar­chi­tects the world over and, indeed, wher­ever the em­pha­sis is on style.

  • Manufactured

    Brakel, Germany

  • Products

    Door and windows Hardware

  • Website